Integrated Participatory Forest Resources Management Projects

Funded by:
EU (incl. EIB, EBRD), GIZ / GTZ, KfW Development Bank

The GTZ financed Gambian German Forestry Project (GGFP), established in 1980, as one of the first projects in the sub-sahelian region which focused on natural forest management instead of afforestation strategies based on plantati- on forests. In 1991 Community Forestry was introduced and seven years later this approach has been integrated in the National Forest Legislation.
The Project
The project assisted the Forest Administration in creating the necessary instituti- onal and legal framework for forest sector development and in implementing the community forestry approach on regional and local level. Subsequently, the GTZ/ KfW financed Central River Division Forestry Project (CRDFP), and the EC financed Upper River Division Forestry Project (URDFP) supported the introduc- tion of sustainable forestry and the initiation of community forests, which aimed at the prevention of bush fires and the reduction of illegal logging.

Project Objectives
- Strengthen Forestry Service and Framework Development
- Community Participation and Involvement
- Transition to Natural Forest Management
- Introduction and Integration of Community Forestry
- Institutional and Legal Framework Development

Our Contribution
- Forest policy advice and adjustment of the legislative framework.
- Realization of the first and second forest inventories, assessment of forest resources and elaboration of forest management plans for forest parks and community forests.
- Implementation of new approaches in “Central River Division” and “Upper River Division”, introduction of participatory forest resources management, improvement of managerial capacity of divisional forestry staff.
- Promotion of sustainable integrated forest management, incl. construction of fire breaks, reforestation and enrichment planting, infrastructure development, controlled grazing, Market Analysis and Development (FAO) for sustainable utilisation and commercialization of wood and Non-Timber Forest Products.
Results & Successes
The initiatives contributed to strengthe- ning the Gambian Forestry Service and laying down technical frameworks. Community involvement increased, facilitating the implementation of com- munity forestry practices. These efforts marked pioneering steps in natural fo- rest management within the region, resulting in progress toward fire pre- vention, reduction of illegal logging, and the establishment of fundamental institutional structures for sustainable forest development.
Project is aligned with the following SDGs

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