Support to the Binational Sena Oura – Bouba Ndjidda Protected Areas Complex (BSB Yamoussa)
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The BSB Yamoussa transboundary National Park (NP), totalling 6 500 km², consisting of the Bouba Ndjidda NP in Cameroon and the Sena Oura NP in Chad and their peripheral protected areas was founded in 2011. It is currently the most species-rich area in the Soudano-Guinean zone of Africa. The main species of the large wild animals are elephants, lions, buffaloes, giraffes, elands and other large antelopes. In spite of persistent poaching, increasing agricultural encroachment, pressing transhumance, and illegal gold panning, the area is sufficiently intact to allow a thriving biodiversity, when professional management and working simultaneously on social-economic responsible development with the local people is guaranteed.
The Project
The pressure on BSB Yamoussa is rapidly increasing, with hight population growth and strong immigration due to climate change or insecurity, and there is a lack of capacities and concepts to counter this pressure. The binational structures are to be enforced. Microzoning in the hunting zones and delimitation of protected zones are implemented in a participatory approach. Afforestation is needed and is contribution to the AFR100 goal of the countries. Governance with the committees of the people living in the periphery, is gradually increased.

Project Objectives
The project aims to sustainably improve the management of the BSB Yamoussa transboundary protected area complex and strengthen local development in its periphery. This includes operationalizing the bi-national agreement, which significantly contributes to the protection of Bouba Ndjidda and Sena Oura National Parks. By doing so, the project supports the preservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, forest resources, and adjacent savannahs in the Congo Basin.
Our Contribution
- Development and introduction of an improved transborder management- concept and of its sustainable funding – operationalisation of the binational agreement
- Development and introduction of improved concepts for the sustainable use and management of the hunting zones
- Enhancement of the participation of the local population in the management of the Protected Areas (NPs and hunting zones).
- Monitoring of the development of the land uses
Results & Successes
- Establishment of a geomatics unit + its procedures in Cameroon and Chad: Production of land use & vegetation maps and various other thematic maps.
- Establishment of institutionally anchored communication platforms with the local people in Cameroon, allowing better involvement of them as a first step towards more efficient (co-) management of BSB Yamoussa.
- Creation of management plans for hunting zones and proposal for the degraded/little-used ones.
- Various studies in the field of hunting and proposals for their micro-zoning
- Establishment of a dialogue on transhumance
- Management plan for the Sena-Oura National Park
- Business plans for Bouba Ndjidda, Benoué and Sena-Oura NPs
Project Partners
COMIFAC, Ministère des Forêts et de la Faune (Cameroon), Ministère de l'Environnement de la Pêche et du Développement Durable (Chad)
Project is aligned with the following SDGs

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