Regional Program for the Conservation & Rational Utilization of Forest Ecosystems in Central Africa (ECOFAC)
Funded by:
EU (incl. EIB, EBRD)
While Central Africa is endowed with abundant renewable natural resources, they do not provide the expected contribution to development. Confronted with similar issues, the States concerned initiated the Congo Basin Forest Part- nership (CBFP), and established the Central African Forest Commission (COMIFAC) for the implementation of a convergence plan. The ECOFAC Pro- gram, which covers 7 countries (Cameroon, Central African Republic, De- mocratic Republic of Congo, Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea and São Tomé and Príncipe), contributes to the implementation of the priority actions of COMIFAC's convergence plan.
The Project
While Central Africa is endowed with abundant renewable natural resources, they do not provide the expected contribution to development. Confronted with similar issues, the States concerned initiated the Congo Basin Forest Part- nership (CBFP), and established the Central African Forest Commission (COMIFAC) for the implementation of a convergence plan. The ECOFAC Pro- gram, which covers 7 countries (Cameroon, Central African Republic, De- mocratic Republic of Congo, Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea and São Tomé and Príncipe), contributes to the implementation of the priority actions of COMIFAC's convergence plan.
Project Objectives
- Multifunctional and sustainable management of territories
- Increased recognition of the economic and social potential of biological wealth
- Institutional capacity building for harmonized policies on the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity
Our Contribution
At regional level:
- Establishment of operational program management structures with national and local governments, organisations, EC delegations and other programme participants.
- Coordination and supervision of national components.
- Overall budget and financial management, administrative liaison.
- Coordination of training, research, development, methodological approach.
- Monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment.
- Integrated transboundary management of protected areas.
- Promotion of supporting political and legal framework conditions, FLEGT.
At national levels:
- Institutional support and capacity building.
- Creation and management of nature parks and protected areas.
- Assessment of forest resources and flora/fauna biodiversity, delineation of priority conservation areas.
- Preparation and implementation of integrated management plans for protected areas.
- Integration of local populations and village communities, co-management, regulated hunting.
- Eco-tourism, sustainable wildlife management, sustainable natural resource utilisation.
- Regional cooperation.
Project Partners
BRLi-SECA, GFA, NP Odzala-Kakoua (COG), Zones cynégétiques villageoises (CAR)
Project is aligned with the following SDGs
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