Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity and Forests in Ethiopia
As of

Funded by:
KfW Development Bank

A long history of steady and significant deforestation in Ethiopia has reduced it‘s forest cover to barely 11 % today. This decline constitutes not only a major threat to biodiversity, but also leads to increased erosion, water scarcity and reduced soil fertility. Most of the rural population is directly dependent on forests for their subsistence and income generation. While forests play an important economic role for the rural population, the contribution of the forest sector to Ethiopia‘s GDP remains marginal—mainly due to the absence of consistent forest policies and the lack of viable concepts for the long-term management and conservation of natural forests and the sustainable management of tree plantations.
The Project
The Project is implemented within the six woredas adjacent to the Borena Sayint National Park within the Southern Wollo Zone of Amhara and aims at the effective management of afforested communal areas and forestry resources by local communities, in order to contribute to income, diversified livelihoods and biodiversity.

Project Objectives
- Afforested communal areas + forestry resources are effectively managed
- by the local communities
- in order to contribute to income, diversified livelihoods and biodiversity
- in the selected rural areas/region

Our Contribution
Services of the consultant include, beside project management and activity monitoring the support the initiation, provision and implementation of:
- Development of an Action Plan & of Project Operational Planning
- Design and implementation of Information Campaigns
- Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) and Land Acquisition and Resettlement Policy Framework (LARPF) incl. application + M&E
- Establishment of cooperatives supporting afforestation
- Technical Information and Advisory Services to farmers
- Implementation of Forest Management Activities
- Capacity Building Measures, including organisational and technical trainings
for PMU Woreda and training for forest farmers - Facilitation of Forest Farmer Financial Support
- Guidance and supervision of Afforestation Results Monitoring
- Information concept for participation in Carbon Financing Scheme
Results & Successes
Close-to-nature afforestation concept in place, tested and successfully implemented on the first 2000-3000 hectares, supported by an intuitive project database, providing summarized result data and visualization as well as up to date data on all afforestation areas, including monitoring results.
Project Partners
Ethiopian Forest Development (EFD)
Project is aligned with the following SDGs

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