Community-Based Forest and Mangrove Management Project Panay and Negros (CBFMMP)



Funded by:

KfW Development Bank


Over the last four decades, the Philippines have suffered a severe deterioration of their natural resources due to rapid population growth and uncontrolled and inequitable access to natural resources. Destruction of forests and coral reefs, loss of biodiversity and degradation of watersheds, which are likely to worsen with climate change, have a significant impact on rural communities‘ livelihoods.

The Project

From 2003 on DFS supported four projects in the Philippines focusing on sustainable development, protection and utilization of forest resources including mangroves, and the participation of forest dwellers and local communities in forest management. The projects aimed at preventing the further degradation of forest resources, forest rehabilitation, the conservation of biodiversity and the improvement of rural livelihoods. The projects included participatory forest land use planning, co-management of forest resources, issuance of land use rights, piloting REDD+ field implementation and contributed to the climate-relevant mo- dernization of the national forest policy.

Project Objectives

  1. Sustainable use of forests and mangroves
  2. Increase of income of the project partcipating families
  3. Sustainable management of forest and mangroves under co-management agreements
  4. Alleviation of poverty and improvement of livelihoods in the rural areas of the project region

Our Contribution

  • Policy advice regarding participatory resource management, enhancement of decentralization processes and improving the legal framework for community forest management.
  • Forest land use planning (FLUP), facilitation of co-management agreements between communities and forestry administration.
  • Identify biodiversity hotspots and “critical habitats” within the FLUP process, facilitate municipal ordinances and protection measures, establishment of Municipal Environment and Natural Resource Offices for sustainable implementation.
  • Support communities and People’s Organizations in obtaining land use rights, preparing and implementing resource management plans.
  • Preparation and implementation of financing agreements for forest rehabilitation incl. multi-purpose tree plantations, assisted natural regeneration, enrichment planting, rattan, mangroves and agroforestry.
  • Implement REDD+ pilot measures such as carbon baseline studies and monitoring, MRV, forest protection and rehabilitation measures to reduce and sequester carbon emissions.
  • Support municipalities in preparing and implementing local infrastructure projects eligible for funding, such as village water supply, farm-to-market roads, rural markets, wood processing plants.
  • Facilitate public-private-partnerships between government agencies, farmers and private enterprises in the copra, coffee and cacao sectors, support planting, processing and marketing of crops.
  • Establish and implement a result-based participatory M&E system.

Project Partners

Department of Environment and Natural Resources of the Philippines (DENR), Provincial and Municipal Local Government Units, Land Bank of the Philippines

Project is aligned with the following SDGs

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